Cambios en theme Puca


How to perform the following action:
Put different images in each product and that the image includes a personalized link, to click, that opens in the same tab.
something like that:

increase letter size in these parts,

click on button and open the product, and do not add to the cart


Sorry for the late. We have lost the time to transfer the server, so we can not reply to.

#1: Themes do not support that feature. So can’t help you. You should find a 3rd party plugin

#2: You can fix it by the CSS:

.navbar-nav.megamenu>li>a {
font-size: 18px;

#3: You can follow this post:

No quiero ocultar boton anadir a carrito.
Lo que necesito es que el boton que actualmente s
Dice añadir al carrito, no añada el producto, mas solo abra el producto,

Me explico.

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Tengo 3 días, y me solucionan.

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