HELP! I need color swatches on imagine

How place the color swatches on the imagine instead under the imagine?

You asked this question 7 days ago and still haven’t got an answer. There is a serious problem about support.


With this problem, please send the ticker here:

Our Support Team will help you.

This forum is where people exchange and help each other, not an official support site.

Very disappointed. I found a user who asked the same question as me, but it was not solved effectively! We just want swatches to be displayed on the product image without taking up other space. The understanding ability of the official customer service is worrying, and the speed of response is not timely, only to submit tickets.


As we explained above.

This is just a place for people to help each other, discuss issues.

We have only one support page: => All tickets here will be answered within the same day.

You need to distinguish between Forum and Support.