Multi-vendor marketplace for woocommerce

Hi good evening!

the requirement is Multi-Vendor Ecommerce marketplace. Multi sellers register on our site and upload their products and etc…, and from admin we authorize complete the listing process and activate the vendors to feature on our site. SEO Customers on search (should be top rank on google) and select products and purchase online.

we have 0 knowledge of graphics, we need support on banners creating with graphics for the site. Also if you can for us graphic design for us to post on instagram, facebook, tiktok, youtube account

plugins for Payment Gateways, mobile Apps, delivery options prebuilt theme, user interfaces for back end operations from you co.

I have already gone thru your products and found alright there for my understandings.

Admin control will be on our side such as vendors handling, payment handling, customers handling,

we have 0 knowledge of web Related, rest from your end complete website related like interfacing, plugins, we can select a right theme and also you guide us the best and easy handling plugins for the site so you do the plugins installations and ready to launched site.

Please advise what will you require from our end and what will be the costing

Thank you & Regards,



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