Open mini cart when add to cart


I would like to know how to do to open mini cart when product is added to cart.

Thanks so much !

That function works when you choose Left or Right for Mini Cart

This change just the style when click on cart icon.
I search how to auto open cart when product is added to cart

I would also like to know the answer. I think your demo was set with this feathure. When I add to cart just open side cart on the right side would be great.

Unfortunately, we don’t have that feature.

And could you please write me what function call onclick add to cart for open the cart? I could add that there. Thank you very much

OK i got it. Open your theme folder (I have Aora) > js > woocommerce.js and edit line 24 to: $(".mini-cart.v2, .add-cart").click(function (e) {

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And how did you fix it? If you edit it directly in that file, it will be lost every time you update the theme. Also, that function might not work properly, so we removed it.

Please can you resend me what you edited.
Don’t know why they deleted it thanks