Premium Yith Wish list not compatible

Hi there I feel the Premium wishlist not compatible the options with theme. I can see in the Yith wish list page something look nice like bellow. But if I do something in the premium options not reflect in the front end. Because of the theme set for the free version

I have a premium plugin for Yith Wish list the page design option does not appear like above
Not showing the Heading
If I choose Modern grid in plugin option like bellow. design not compatible with the theme design.

And Its looks like this with the theme page in my site

Actually the original is like bellow

Also not able to let the customer create a Wishlist menu as per their own.

Looking for the best solution


The theme is not fully compatible with the settings of “Yith Wishlist”. If you want it to work, follow the instructions here:

As i said It’s fully work for Free version. I’m not able to use the premium version features
That is showing the Wish-list page design like bellow

We have not tested compatibility with the premium version.

You need to send the ticker here:

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